Study Information

Alzheimer’s disease is an age related brain disease in which an individual experiences progressive memory loss. Known as one of the most common forms of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease is associated with loss of functioning in daily activities and occupational domains. It is also often associated with behavioral changes, irritability, and mood disorders.

Alzheimer’s disease is not a part of the normal aging process, though the risk of the disease greatly increases with age. While it is not yet fully known what causes the disease, a genetic mutation (APOEe4), family history, complex changes in the brain over time and environmental and lifestyle factors may be contributors.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease may include:

  • Memory problems that disrupt daily living
  • Repetition of questions / statements
  • Impaired judgement and reasoning skills
  • Difficulty finding the right words in conversation
  • Trouble completing complex tasks
  • Getting lost in familiar surroundings
  • Spatial and visual relationship problems
  • Difficulty with self-care
  • Anxiety and impulsive behavior
  • Paranoia and confusion

Several Risk factors linked to Alzheimer’s disease include:

  •  Increasing Age
  •  A specific type of genetic mutation (APOE-e4)
  • Family history of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Head trauma

Should your family member or loved one participate in a study?

If your family member, loved one or friend is experiencing signs of dementia that could be associated with Alzheimer’s disease you may wish to participate in a clinical trial. Several clinical trials are being conducted nationwide to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of potential new treatments for Alzheimer’s disease. Studies usually require the participation of the patient and a partner (i.e., a spouse, family member or friend).

Study participants receive at no cost:

  • Investigational medication
  • Cognitive evaluations
  • Study related medical evaluations
  • Compensation for you and your care giver for time and travel
  • Study related follow-up care
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