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Study Information

Depression (Major depressive disorder) is a common, but serious, mood disorder that is often associated with consistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest and loss of enjoyment. It can have a major impact on how you think, how you feel, and how you function during normal activities such as work, school or just day- to-day living.  More than just feeling “Blue”, symptoms of depression usually last more than 2 weeks and can range from mild to severe. Approximately 350 million people around the world are affected by depression– it can touch people of any
age, gender, background or socioeconomic level.

Symptoms of Depression Include:

  • Persistent sadness for 2 weeks or more
  • Loss of interest
  • Feeling anxious, or overwhelmed
  • Loss of pleasure or enjoyment in daily living
  • Feeling restless and having difficulty sleeping
  • Loss of energy and vitality
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of libido

Several Risk Factors Include:

  • A family history of depression
  • Major stress or anxiety
  • Trauma or conflict
  • Significant life challenges, sadness or grief
  • Serious physical illness
  • Physical or mental abuse
  • Certain medications
  • Drug abuse

Participate in Research Studies for People Experiencing Depression

  • Receive study related care and examinations at no cost to you
  • Study related medications are at no cost to you if eligible
  • Compensation for your time and travel

You may quality for a study if you:

  • Have been diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
  • Have been experiencing symptoms of depression for at least the past 2 months
  • Are still at least partially depressed despite treatment with at least one medication
Apply to Participate

If you are interested in participating in this study, please complete the following preliminary qualification form.

We will follow-up with you after we have received your submission.

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